
Some Nigerian's phone number return invalid (whereas google libphonenumber does not)

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Phonelib.valid?('2349049974092') returns false

Whereas google phonelib indicates that this phone number is valid.
Find the test on google phonelib here

I can confirm that this phone number is valid since I tried to send it an SMS and it has been delivered.

Thank's a lot in advance

bumping as it's the same with Singapore numbers:

irb(main):017:0> Phonelib.valid_for_country? "+6589343220", "SG"
=> false

Google Phonelib says it's valid

digging a bit into the source code, I see that both Singapore and Nigeria are part of the gem's data. So the issue is at the gem level 👀 I appreciate any pointers I can get if you'd like a fix PR.

irb(main):018:0> phone_data[:country_names]["SG"]
=> "Singapore"
irb(main):019:0> phone_data[:country_names]["NG"]
=> "Nigeria"

@CamiloGarciaLaRotta in version 0.6.46 returns true for both numbers