
Local Gemfile solution that works

Primary LanguageShell


Local Gemfile solution that works


By using bundler-gemlocal developers can have their own custom Gemfile, called Gemlocal by default, in addition to team-wide Gemfile. The solution is easy to use and ensures no issues with Gemfile.lock.


  1. Download bundler-gemlocal.sh into your home directory:

    $ cd
    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dadooda/bundler-gemlocal/master/bundler-gemlocal.sh -O
  2. Edit your user's shell startup files to source bundler-gemlocal.sh. I recommend .bashrc. If you don't have one, edit .profile:

    $ echo -e "\n. bundler-gemlocal.sh" >> .bashrc
  3. Reload your shell (Mac users: open new Terminal window). Then check that b function is available:

    $ type -t b


  • b is a Gemlocal-aware alias to bundle.
  • bx is a Gemlocal-aware alias to bundle exec.


$ b install --path vendor/bundle
$ b check
$ bx gem list -l
$ bx rails console

Project setup example

  1. Cd to your project directory:

    $ cd /path/to/project
  2. Edit .gitignore:

  3. Edit config/boot.rb or the file which initializes Bundler in your project:

    ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.exists?(fn = File.expand_path("../../Gemlocal", __FILE__)) ? fn : File.expand_path("../../Gemfile", __FILE__)

    Ruby 2.0+ users may prefer to use File.expand_path("../Gemlocal", __dir__) which looks a little less cryptic.

  4. Edit Gemlocal:

    # Source the main Gemfile.
    eval_gemfile File.expand_path("../Gemfile", __FILE__)
    group :development do
      # Console enhancements etc.
      gem "irb_hacks"
      gem "ori"
      gem "rdoc"
      gem "wirb"
      # …
  5. Install the local bundle for the first time:

    $ b install
  6. Add Gemlocal.example:

    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dadooda/bundler-gemlocal/master/Gemlocal.example -O
  7. All done! From now on, keep editing both Gemfile and Gemlocal as you like. Then do a b install and it'll sort everything out for you.

Why not Gemfile.local?

  1. Because I like this:

    $ ls -1 Gem*
    Gemfile           # o
    Gemfile.lock      # o
    Gemlocal          # -
    Gemlocal.lock     # -

    more than this:

    $ ls -1 Gem*
    Gemfile               # o
    Gemfile.local         # -
    Gemfile.local.lock    # -
    Gemfile.lock          # o

    Legend: (o: in the repo, -: not in the repo).

  2. Because "Gemlocal" is both a term and a filename, just like "Gemfile". It's more documentation-friendly.

  3. Because Internet is full of half-working Gemfile.local recipes that will cause you nothing but pain. Find this page by the word "Gemlocal" and stay trouble-free!

Example Gemlocal guidelines for a Rails project team

  1. Git should ignore Gemlocal and Gemlocal.lock in project root (see Project setup example).
  2. A basic Gemlocal.example with comments on how to enable it should be in Git repository.
  3. Team-wide Gemfile should contain no "developer comfort" gems (consoles, debuggers, profilers, …) or contain a bare, safe, time-proven, approved minimum set of 1-2 items. Adding more of such gems to Gemfile should be prohibited.
  4. Rails initializers (config/initializers/*) for "developer comfort" gems should gracefully handle the case when a specific gem is missing.
    1. A simple yet effective way is to achieve it is via "example files". Say, subsys.rb should be ignored by Git, whereas subsys.rb.example should be in Git repository.
  5. It's highly desirable that Gemlocal.example lists, in a commented form, all "developer comfort" gems which are known to be used by particular team members.
  6. Project documentation should list Bundler commands in their canonical form: bundle …. Documentation sections covering developer tools should mention that the project is ready for bundler-gemlocal use.


Feedback of any kind is highly appreciated.

— Alex Fortuna, © 2015-2018