
can-compile doesn't work offline

ccummings opened this issue · 5 comments

jQuery and CanJS are included from external locations so if you are offline can-compile will not work. They are included here:

Maybe each library should be local?

It should but I didn't find a good way to get the different versions. They could ship with the repository I guess. Or through bower installing maybe (but we don't want to install every available version)?

What about adding an option that configures the path to where CanJS is? That let's can-compile just use the version the user has installed and doesn't make any assumptions about the rest of the stack (bower, npm, jspm, etc).

Depending on version, some template engines are in core vs. plugins which isn't accounted for now.

That could work but what do we do if someone uses a module loader?

Once CanJS 2.2.0 is on npm we could add it as a dependency and load it from node_modules.

I think this can be considered closed via #36.