
Feathers application bootstrap and configuration using JSON files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Deprecated: This project is no longer maintained

Feathers application bootstrap and configuration using JSON configuration files

Why JSON configuration?

Feathers makes it easy to get an app started with just a single JavaScript file and a few lines of code. As an application grows however, it becomes more and more important to organize separate aspects of the application into individual files and manage the overall configuration.

Tools like Yeoman help creating generators for automating some of the boilerplate necessary for that. For Feathers there is generator-feathers but with the many databases and plugins Feathers supports it has become hard to maintain from unwieldy templates to brittle AST code transformations.

JSON files on the other hand are much easier to analyze and modify either by hand or automated tools like a generator. This plugin uses json-di a JSON dependency injection module to bootstrap and configure a Feathers application.


For the following example we will create a basic configuration file that configures Feathers with REST and Socket.io support and an in-memory service at the /todos endpoint. In a new folder, install all required modules:

npm install feathers body-parser feathers-bootstrap feathers-rest feathers-socketio feathers-hooks feathers-memory

Then create a feathers.json file:

  "config": {
    "port": 3030,
    "paginate": {
      "default": 10,
      "max": 25
  "plugins": [
    { "require": "feathers-rest", "options": [] },
    { "require": "feathers-socketio", "options": [] },
    { "require": "feathers-hooks", "options": [] }
  "use": {
    "/todos": {
      "require": "feathers-memory",
      "options": {
        "paginate": "config.paginate"
  "after": {
    "/": [
      { "require": "feathers-errors/not-found", "options": [] },
      { "require": "feathers-errors/handler", "options": [] }

An app.js like this:

const feathers = require('feathers');
const path = require('path');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const bootstrap = require('feathers-bootstrap');

const feathersConfig = path.join(__dirname, 'feathers.json');
const app = feathers()
  .use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

app.start().then(() =>
  console.log(`Application listening on port ${app.config.get('port')}`)
).catch(e => console.error(e));

You can run the application via

node app

Note: The included node-config will show a warning due to the missing config/ folder.


Copyright (c) 2016

Licensed under the MIT license.