
project from introduction to ai with python, week 0, search

Primary LanguagePython


Project brief

A programme that determines how many "degrees of separation" apart two actors are.

Data in small folder is a smaller subset of data in large folder that can be used for testing. Only the small folder is included in this repository.

Raw data files

In each folder there are three csv files.

In people.csv, each person has a unique id, correspoding with their id in IMDb's data base. They also have a name and birth year.

In movies.csv, each movie has a unique id, in addition to a title and the year in which the movie was released.

In stars.csv, each row is a pair of a person_id value and movie_id value that represents a relationship between the people in people.csv and the movies in movies.csv.

Data structures

In degrees.py, several data structures are defined to store the information from the CSV files. The names dictionary is a way to look up a person by their name: maps names to set of corresponding ids to avoid same name problem. The people dictionary maps each person's id to another dictionary with values for person's name, birth year and the set of all the movies that they starred in. And the movies dictionary maps each movie's id to another dictionary with values for that movie's title, release year, and the set of all the movies starts.


The load_data function loads data into memory (the directory, either small or large, from which the data is loaded can be specified by a command-line argument, large directory is selected by default). Then, the function prompts the user to type in two names.

The person_id_for_name function retrieves the id for any person (and handles prompting the user to clarify, in the event that multiple people have the same name). The function then calls the shortest_path function to compute the shortest path between the two people, and prints out the path.