
load.images does not work

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I am using the most recent version of R studio 1.2.5042 and I am unable to download the imager package from github. I had tried downloading the imager package from CRAN and the load.image command was not recognized when the package was installed from CRAN. When it did occasionally work, the .png images I was trying to work with were thought to contain magic numbers.

I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean.

I am unable to download the imager package from github.

Does this mean devtools::install_github function doesn't work?
If so, what is the error message?

I had tried downloading the imager package from CRAN and the load.image command was not recognized when the package was installed from CRAN. When it did occasionally work, the .png images I was trying to work with were thought to contain magic numbers.

This sounds really weird.
I think R is broken if sometimes R recognizes load.image function, but other times R doesn't recognize load.image function.
load.image function of the CRAN version of imager works fine on my windows machine.
How can I reproduce the weird behavior of R?