
Pixel-wise median averaging, ala GMIC?

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I would like to manipulate image layers directly with imageR, rather than playing around with them as layers in GIMP. Specifically, I'd like to combine layers to improve signal-to-noise ratios and use things like differences, median averaging, weighted averaging, etc.

I know GMIC-Qt/GIMP is closely related to CImg as is imageR. Does anyone know how to

  • do pixel-wise median averaging of an image list?
  • even better: import the library of filters in GMIC-Qt to be able to use them in imageR or a command-line mode?

Thank you!

Hi Matt, have a look at the parmed function, I think it does what you're looking for.

Thanks, I'll take a look at parmed ...

Yes, parmed works for the median-averaging that I was looking for. Second part of the question still stands, but I'll try dealing with that later.