
Completely deletes text

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I'm using version 1.1 and it seems to just delete the text completely rather than surround a selected word.

Do you know what could be causing this?

Two things immediately come to mind...make sure it is enabled through the plugin menu and also it may not work correctly with non-US keyboard layouts.

If it is enabled and you are using a US keyboard then I'd recommend posting your Notepad++ debug info along with the exact steps you are trying.

I am using a US keyboard and I have SurroundSelection enabled through the plugin menu.

What I did was this:

  • Downloaded 32-bit version of the plugin
  • Unzipped it, dragged the DLL into plugins folder of Notepad++
  • Opened Notepad++ and enabled it from Plugins menu

I open a new tab, type some words in there and then hold SHIFT and press arrow back button to select a word. After that I do SHIFT + ' to surround the selected word with "". It just deletes everything in the opened tab.

Not exactly sure how debug works on Notepad++.

Not exactly sure how debug works on Notepad++.

Use the menu ? > Debug Info... and copy/paste that information here.

Hey Dail, sorry, it turns out it was my fault. I was running Notepad++ version 6.6.9. SurroundSelection is not compatible with it. And that's why I was not aware that Debug Info even existed. I've upgraded to the latest version now and everything is working perfectly. Thank you!

Glad it is working for you now.