
Insert ISBN metadata to all test books

Closed this issue · 7 comments

We have been given the use of ISBN numbers from the Taylor & Francis Group. Thank you James for getting them for us. Next time the titles are updated, we should add the ISBN numbers.

Do you have the ISBN numbers? I can add them.

What is the preferred way to add an ISBN to an EPUB? I can think of a few approaches:

In addition to the publication identifier, we can add an ISBN identifier:

<dc:identifier id="uid">com.github.epub-testsuite.epub30-test-0302</dc:identifier>
<dc:identifier id="isbn">9781003410119</dc:identifier>

We can also add a refinement for that dc:identifier element, to say that it's an ISBN string:

<meta refines="#isbn" property="type (TODO)">ISBN</meta>

I don't know the actual property value that should be used though.

I have also seen just prefixing the ISBN number with urn:ISBN:... or ISBN:..., so then you could just do this


with no <meta refines...>.

And, just for having more options (!), I see that Schema.org has an ISBN property, not sure where or if it's in use:

@mattgarrish do you think any of these look like the right way?

The specification non-normatively recommends using URIs for the identifiers, so you'll find the urn approach throughout the specification. That's generally how I've seen it done elsewhere.

The spec also shows how to use onix:codelist5 with the value 15 in a number of examples to cover the refines approach, but reading systems generally ignore refinement properties so I doubt it does anything but add extra metadata.

Suggested on the call

<dc:identifier id="isbn-id">9781000850512</dc:identifier>
<meta refines="#isbn-id" property="identifier-type" scheme="onix:codelist5">15</meta>

Added to all books except Math + Extended descriptions

ISBN metadata has been added to all the fundamental test books