
Test Reading System's Go Back functionality

Opened this issue · 2 comments

After following a link, Reading Systems should have the ability to go back to the exact spot of the link. This is sometimes called a history list or breadcrumbs. This functionality is important in many places. If a user goes to a glossery term, a bibliographic reference or an endnote, the go back function would take them to where they left off reading.


The user identifies a link.
The user follows the link.
The information at the destination is read.
The user initiates the go back function.
The test passes if the user is brought back to the exact location of the link.

Note: Do we want to test for multiple Go back functionality, i.e. go back, and then go back again, tracing their history of links followed?

  This test is required. However it has similarity to the internal hyperlinks navigation test. 
  Go back functionality is needed when user does not follow a link but uses Toc  or go to page to go to another location to check something and wants to go back. The description of this test needs to include this and should be different from internal hyperlinks test. 

I was asked to set the experimental lable.