
Update print page navigation test description and code in test book

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The print page navigation test has been difficult for testers to understand. The description needs to be updated, see suggestion below. Further, in the test book, the print page breaks should have a prefix like "Print page" so that people during navigation know that they landded on a hard coded page break.

nav-110 Navigate content by print page breaks
Check if you can navigate the content by pages.

Use the "Next/Previous Page" or "Go to Page" or the "Page List" feature in the Reading system and check if you are able to navigate to different pages.

This EPUB file contains 10 hard coded page breaks. Note that these page breaks are different from the reflowed page numbers. If the total number of pages of this book in the reading app is not exactly 10, then you are looking at the reflowed pages. The app may be having a feature to switch between print page and reflowed pages for navigation. Or the print page list may be appearing in the TOC. If print page navigation feature does not exist or does not work then this test should be marked 'Fail'.

Rationale: For research citations, class assignments referencing specific pages and more, users should be able to select and navigate to a specific page within the content.

Indicate Pass or Fail.

This was fixed in the test book for early 2024.