
pipeline doesn't always run job when first started

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The scenario is that I run cli/dp2 and I'm sure the pipeline is not already running. I pass it job info and it says a parameter is invalid. Then I run ./dp2 help. Then I run my job command again, and it works.

I'm running OSX mavericks (latest) and java 8.

# marisa at opus.local in ~/Projects/pipeline2/pipeline-assembly/target/pipeline2-1.9.2-SNAPSHOT_mac/daisy-pipeline/cli on git:master o [0:52:56]
$ ./dp2 nimas-fileset-validator --x-input-opf /Users/marisa/sample-content/nimas/sample/9781603013284NIMAS.opf  --output /Users/marisa/Desktop/dpout
Launching the pipeline webservice...
The webservice is UP!
    --x-input-opf is not a valid flag for dp2

# marisa at opus.local in ~/Projects/pipeline2/pipeline-assembly/target/pipeline2-1.9.2-SNAPSHOT_mac/daisy-pipeline/cli on git:master o [0:53:47]
$ ./dp2 help


Script commands:

        html-to-epub3               Transforms (X)HTML documents into an EPUB 3 publication. [v1.1.1]
        dtbook-validator            Validates DTBook documents. Supports inclusion of MathML. [v1.0.3-SNAPSHOT]

... etc ... lots of output here

# marisa at opus.local in ~/Projects/pipeline2/pipeline-assembly/target/pipeline2-1.9.2-SNAPSHOT_mac/daisy-pipeline/cli on git:master o [0:54:00]
$ ./dp2 nimas-fileset-validator --x-input-opf /Users/marisa/sample-content/nimas/sample/9781603013284NIMAS.opf  --output /Users/marisa/Desktop/dpout
Job dd42ebda-176a-48bb-8435-16cac71a5ee2 sent to the server

@capitancambio seen this before?

Hi marisa, Just tested something similar here and it works in the first go.

~/src/golibs/src/github.com/daisy/pipeline-cli-go/dp2 $ ./dp2 dtbook-to-zedai --source samples/dtbook/hauy_valid.xml -o /tmp
Launching the pipeline webservice...
The webservice is UP!
Job dba55d2d-4ab6-4177-9f4e-de34c09dfbba sent to the server
(1)[INFO]       MODS file name: zedai-mods.xml
(2)[INFO]       CSS file name: zedai-css.css
(3)[INFO]       Input DTBook not in memory, loading from disk: file:/home/javi/src/golibs/src/github.com/daisy/pipeline-cli-go/dp2/samples/dtbook/hauy_valid.xml

What's the output of ./dp2 version? by the looks of the options it seems to be an old release (that should work though...)

I was building from source on either master or nsmenufx branch. My build process is broken atm so I can't check the version.

I've never seen such thing I can't seem to reprodce...



Could this have something to do with daisy/pipeline#500? Can you still reproduce it @marisademeglio?