
jul-to-slf4j bridge

Opened this issue · 7 comments

@rdeltour We include jul-to-slf4j but does it actually work? @joeha480 can't find any Dotify info messages in the detailed log (Dotify uses java.util.logging).

AFAIK it should work out of the box, and I dont see anything in the config file that would silent dotify. @capitancambio any idea?

I get some information when running from xprocspec, but not from within the GUI

Ah really? That's interesting. Do you mean the Dotify information that is printed to STDOUT? Do you get the same messages on STDOUT when you run bin/pipeline2.bat? In the xprocspec tests we're not including the jul-to-slf4j bundle (see e.g. DotifyCalabashTest.java and org/daisy/pipeline/pax/exam/Options.java)

Yes, I can see it on STDOUT when running pipeline2.bat. What does that mean?

I guess it means the bridge doesn't work.

Fixed in 1.9.8

It looks like this is another startup issue. If bundles are started in the right order, it works, otherwise not.