
An invalid XML is not released

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected Behavior

I deliberately supplied an invalid XML file via the CLI. I would expect an error. Moreover, I would expect that I would be able to move or remove the XML file after the error has occured.

Actual Behavior

The file couldn't be moved nor removed. Windows said "file is in use by another process" which turned out to be the Pipeline service. After restarting the Pipeline service the file could be moved and removed.

Steps to Reproduce

Provide a list of steps taken to reproduce the problem.

  1. Take an arbitrary valid DTBook
  2. Change <book> to <bookk>, which makes it invalid because start tag <bookk> is closed by end tag </book>
  3. Use the command line interface (CLI) to process the DTBook file


I suspect a memory problem as well. Since the erronuous file is not released, it is probably kept in memory.


  • Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
  • DAISY Pipeline 2 version: modules-parent version 1.14.1
  • Interface: Command Line


Thanks, will look into it.