
Feedbacks for DTbook to Epub3 accessibility report with Ace

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With DAISY Pipeline App version: 1.2.7-RC3, Engine version: 1.14.16, on Windows 11.

I did some conversion from dtbook to epub3 and got some feedbacks from validation with Ace :

  • The package.opf file is missing a lang attribute (xml:lang was not set in my dtbook, but was indicated in the script parameter)
  • The package.opf had the following namespaces included in the result :
    xmlns:f="http://www.daisy.org/ns/pipeline/internal-functions" xmlns:pf="http://www.daisy.org/ns/pipeline/functions" xmlns:rdfa="rdfa-functions"
  • The package.opf reference a non-existing file : <link rel="record" href="zedai-mods.xml" media-type="application/mods+xml"></link>
  • epub:type attributes are not associated with corresponding aria role attributes when possible (see the mapping table) :
    • notes are created as aside but without attribute epub:type="footnote" role="doc-footnote"
    • notes references are converted to span instead of anchor pointing to the note content with attribute epub:type="noteref" role="doc-noteref"
    • Ace/aXe reports a missing role="doc-toc" on <nav epub:type="toc">
  • Ace reports missing metadata schema:accessibilityHazard, schema:accessMode, schema:accessibilityFeature, schema:accessModeSufficient, schema:accessibilitySummary,

All of these issues except the 4th one (epub:type attributes are not associated with corresponding aria role attributes when possible) have been fixed in daisy/pipeline-modules@efb1b61.

The remaining issue is now also fixed. I couldn't reproduce this part though:

notes references are converted to span instead of anchor pointing to the note content with attribute epub:type="noteref" role="doc-noteref"

@NPavie Let me know if this still doesn't work for you in the next version, with an example.