
Simple assembler for SIC/XE instruction set

Primary LanguageC++


Simple assembler for SIC/XE instruction set.

To Run:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run a.exe file.
  3. Enter the file name with extension that you want to assemble (ensure it is in same directory).
  4. If object code is generated successfully, congratulations!
  5. If not, you can check errors in the error.txt file.

Features Implemented:

  1. Simple SIC/XE assembler (format-free)
  2. Error handling

Features to Implement:

  1. Literals/ org/ equ/ expressions
  2. Program blocks
  3. Control sections


If you find any errors, feel free to open an issue!


To contribute to the repository, you may make a pull request. They are always welcome!