
An implementation of different neural networks to classify tweet's sentiments.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An implementation of neural networks to classify twitter tweet's sentiments.

How to Use

  1. Specify data path.
  2. Call df = pd.read_csv(path) to load dataset.

Note: dataset should have column0 - content, column1 - sentiments

  1. Call data, labels = polishDataSet(df) to polish the data.
  2. Call train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(data, labels, test_size = test_split, random_state = 42)
  3. Call train_data_reduced, vectorizer, reducer = dataReduce(train_data, vectorizer, n_components = 500, ngram = False, ngram_value = 1)

vectorizer: should be either 'bow' or 'tfidf'

n_components: number of features in the final word vector

ngram: set True if you want to use n-gram instead of individual words

ngram_value: if ngram = True, then set the value of ngram here

  1. Call model = train(train_data_reduced, train_labels, epochs, batchSize, hidden_layer = 50, activation = 'relu', optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'categorical_crossentropy') to train the neural network.

epochs: set the number of epochs

batchSize: set the batchSize for training

hidden_layer: set the number of neurons in the hidden layer

activation: set the activation function of the hidden layer

optimizer: set the optimizer for the neural network

loss: set the loss function for the neural network

  1. Call test(test_data, test_labels, model, vectorizer, reducer) for testing the model.