
Source code for the ICML'18 paper "Hyperbolic Entailment Cones for Learning Hierarchical Embeddings", https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.01882

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Python source code

Slides and other material can be accessed here.

This code was built starting from the Gensim implementation of Poincare embeddings [1].

  1. Prerequisites:
pip3 install --upgrade gensim
pip3 install numpy joblib click plotly prettytable smart_open autograd
  1. Create a Plotly account and change your credentials in the file animation_train.py:30.

  2. Run our hyperbolic entailment cones on WordNet data or synthetic tree data (representing a uniform tree of some fixed branching factor and some fixed depth). These trees are in data/toy/ or data/maxn/. When embedding dimension is 2, this code will produce an animation of embeddings evolving during training (e.g. this video) and the animation will be opened in your default web browser at the end of the training. Our hyperbolic embeddings are first initialized with Poincare embeddings of [1] for a number of epochs, and then hyperbolic cones are trained on top of these embeddings. By running the following commands, at the end of the videos one can obtain the pictures from Figure 3 in our paper:

python3 animation_train.py --tree='toy' --model='hyp_cones' --dim=2
python3 animation_train.py --tree='toy' --model='poincare' --dim=2
python3 animation_train.py --tree='wordnet_mammals' --model='hyp_cones' --dim=2
python3 animation_train.py --tree='wordnet_mammals' --model='poincare' --dim=2

Alt text

  1. Run the code to reproduce results from Table 1. Data from data/maxn/ folder was downloaded from https://github.com/facebookresearch/poincare-embeddings and splitted using split_wordnet_data.py. To run different jobs, one has to first set the desired hyperparameters of different models in the file params.py and then run:
python3 all.py

The above will run each job specified in the file params.py for each setting described in Table 1 of our paper.

Results for each model specified in the file params.py will be logged in different files in the directory logs/. One specific run can be monitored during training using, for example, the command:

tail -f logs/task_25percent#dim_5#class_HypCones#init_class_PoincareNIPS#neg_sampl_strategy_true_neg#lr_0.0003#epochs_300#opt_rsgd#where_not_to_sample_children#neg_edges_attach_parent#lr_init_0.03#epochs_init_100#neg_sampl_strategy_init_true_neg

At the end of the training, to see the test F1 score corresponding to the best validation F1 score for our hyperbolic cones method, one can do a grep as follows:

for i in `ls ./logs/task_25percent#dim_5#*` ; do echo $i; cat $i |  grep best | grep CONES | grep OVERALL ; done | grep -A1 'HypCones' ;for i in `ls ./logs/task_25percent#epochs*` ; do echo $i; cat $i |  grep best | grep CONES | grep OVERALL  ; done

See the comments in the file params.py to understand how to select the test F1 score corresponding to the best validation F1 score for other baselines:


Simple Euclidean and our Euclidean Cones baselines are not shown in the file params.py, but one can run them based on the implementations in eucl_cones_model.py and eucl_simple_model.py files.

Sometimes initialization might affect the results, so it is recommended to run the same method with different random seeds (modifying the seed in params.py:13).

[1] Maximilian Nickel, Douwe Kiela - "Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations", NIPS'17


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite the following paper in your publication:

  title={Hyperbolic Entailment Cones for Learning Hierarchical Embeddings},
  author={Ganea, Octavian-Eugen and B{\'e}cigneul, Gary and Hofmann, Thomas},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.01882},