
Support for renaming file names

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be helpful if amber provided also support for renaming files.

There is a common tool called rename (from the linux-utils package), but it doesn't support regex.

On the other hand, simply doing a for loop in bash is error prone (non-interactive & requires working bash knowledge) and doesn't support recursion.

Thus, I think that it would be a nice functionality for amber to provide. Any chances?

Big +1 for this one, and if I may, I'd like to extend the request to directory names as well.

Amber is a great tool, I'm using for templating and refactoring projects, but my workflow still requires a lot of annoying scripting and other tools to handle file names and directory names. If ambr could handle those as well, then good gravy, this tool is an all-time great!

(I did discover this tool, which is like the inverse of Amber, it only does files and directories: https://github.com/ismaelgv/rnr )