
Add option to start up minified

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Along with #3, I'd love an option to have this start up mified to the system tray similar to what you get with RBTray. For now, I'll be using this in conjunction with that tool and just manually right-clicking the "minimize" button every time I log in or reboot my computer 👍

Thanks so much for this tool!

p.s. Alternatively a VBS file (like the example here) could be included, but this doesn't provide any easy UI (e.g. system tray icon) to terminate the application.

MouseUnSnag (hidden).vbs:

Dim WinScriptHost
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "MouseUnsnag" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

You just have to be careful since MouseUnSnag.exe doesn't run as a single instance.

Drag MouseUnSnag shortcut into the Startup folder. Edit properties, Shortcut. Select Run Minimized. Optionally change Icon to something nicer than the default. I picked the old Windows butterfly as this great little program freed my mouse to move between my 4K monitor flanked by two 1K monitors. Where can I send money? <3

Just following up here to mention that this is no longer relevant, since the project has since moved to https://github.com/MouseUnSnag/MouseUnSnag and is the system tray capability is already available in releases circa 2.1 and later.