

truevis opened this issue · 2 comments

The DOSLibLoader function in the CHM file uses 'acad' as a variable. Checking code gives "redefinition of built-in symbol: ACAD". Suggest to change to 'acadv'.

(defun DOSLibLoader (/ acadv proc fname); Determine the version of AutoCAD
(setq acadv (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2))
; Determine the system's processor architecture
(setq proc (= "AMD64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")))
; Build a file name string
(if proc
(setq fname (strcat "DOSLib" acadv "x64.arx"))
(setq fname (strcat "DOSLib" acadv ".arx")))
(if (findfile fname)
(arxload fname nil)
(prompt (strcat "\n" fname " not found.")))

Is it solved with @ #9 ?