
Data folder in other places?

Opened this issue · 16 comments

Can we just place the data anywhere just like Julius?

Sure, you can place data where you want. Exe also support select data dir on start. But on android you need copy files to special directory

sorry, lemme rephrase: can I put the data folder at root of the storage like Julius?
Julius will ask which folder I put the C3 installation in upon first start.
Maybe it's doable?

If resources was not found on start, game show special window where you can select where it

Also if game found steam folder with game, it start from here

All config saved here

Sorry, it's my fault for not being clear.
I meant on Android. Can you make it like Julius?
So I can just put the files in SD card.

@Crescendo-BLYAT ok, Im not familar with android, but will try to fix it

Check the behaviour of Augustus apk to get what I meant.. 😊

@Crescendo-BLYAT fixed in last android changes, pls test

I can select the data folder now. Thanks.

However, the game will ask about it every bootup. Also there's a warning about data folder must be in xxxxx....

And I can't click anything, so it's stuck on starting screen with Cleopatra & [Click to start]...

What if put data in the app cache folder?

Hello. I’m encountering the same problem.
I’ve got the original files from my Steam library.

I’ve put them in /sdcard0/Android/data/com.github.dalerank.akhenaten.files
Note that this folder is a hidden system folder which makes the copy hard to do for simple users.

That said, although the files are in this folder, at starting the, app shows me a Warning telling me Akhenaten needs the originals files. When I press “Ok”, it asks me to select my game folder. I’ve tried selecting another folder on my SD card where the data are copied but when I give him the correct folder, I still get that Warning pop up. The folder is in /sdcard0/Emulators/windows/games/Pharaoh + Cleopatra/

Thanks, need to look inside this case, will try to fix it

Fell free to ask for any other informations. I’ve subbed to this issue

Hello. A small message to say that this ticket should be set to « open ». And I reward it with a 8$ PayPal payment lol

Can you create PR? Im not a familar with android

Can't bro, I also can't do coding.
I just know that's the code responsible for data location selection.