
I/O timing and buffer info is missing

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I/O timing and buffer info tab may not be accessible.

Here's an example of a plan for which the "I/O & Buffers" tab is disabled for the Limit node:

 Limit  (cost=2674862.59..2674865.21 rows=5 width=1289) (actual time=35593.559..35593.578 rows=0 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=540461 read=1, temp read=414678 written=414628
   I/O Timings: read=0.013
   ->  Result  (cost=2674862.59..2674865.21 rows=5 width=1289) (actual time=35593.558..35593.576 rows=0 loops=1)
         Buffers: shared hit=540461 read=1, temp read=414678 written=414628
         I/O Timings: read=0.013
 Planning time: 92.747 ms
 Execution time: 35597.103 ms
(146 rows)

This is the expected behavior. We only show the exclusive info in the tabs.

However, since v1.7.0, the total I/O average rate is displayed above the plan. And info about I/O timing is also shown in the diagram.