
Negative arguments to IDENTITY

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The script doesn't support negative arguments to IDENTITY

Hello @potrusil

Currently, sqlserver2pgsql does not support IDENTITY columns and use sequences. There is an open issue about this (#102).
When a sequence is created in PostgreSQL, the default minvalue is 1. To be able to create a sequence holding negative values, you must update the sequence used in the table. For example:

=# CREATE TABLE table_negative_id (id serial PRIMARY KEY, value integer);
=# \d table_negative_id
                               Table « public.table_negative_id »
 Colonne |  Type   | Collationnement | NULL-able |                  Par défaut                   
 id      | integer |                 | not null  | nextval('table_negative_id_id_seq'::regclass)
 value   | integer |                 |           | 
Index :
    "table_negative_id_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
=# ALTER SEQUENCE table_negative_id_id_seq MINVALUE -1000000001 START -1000000000 RESTART -1000000000;
=# INSERT INTO table_negative_id (value) VALUES (1), (2), (3);
=# SELECT * FROM table_negative_id;
     id      | value 
 -1000000000 |     1
  -999999999 |     2
  -999999998 |     3
(3 lignes)

Does this trick solve your problem?


Hi @madtibo,

I have solved the problem by making changes to sqlserver2pgsql locally - it is not difficult to find those places where that is handled. It works fine now. I just wanted to point out to the problem by opening this issue.

Would anybody be interested in my changes?

I am sure some people might need your changes :-)
Can you open a merge request so we can review them?

Ok, I have just created this request: #114

PR merged. Thanks for all.