
List of ideas for a practice coding projects.

Coding project ideas

This is mainly for myself to help me remember my ideas (and also mark what I've already done), but you can look for an inspiration here! I might also add my solutions (mostly written in C#) to seprate branches in the future, so you can check them out for an inspiration (but be aware of my bad coding skills). If you have an idea for a good practice project, feel free to create a PR and I might add it. I'll try to group these ideas by difficulty, but it's probably not gonna be very accurate.


  • Calculator with basic operations (+, -, *, /)


  • Sudoku
  • Quadratic equation calculator with complex solutions
  • Wordle clone


  • File manager with basic functions (Create/Delete/Move File, ...) and two "windows" (similar to Total Commander)
  • Snake


  • Word search generator
  • Riichi (japanese) mahjong hand value calculator