Failed test 'Warning issued and alternative suggested'
eserte opened this issue · 3 comments
eserte commented
On some of my smokers the t/911-Apache2-0.30.t test fails:
# Failed test 'Warning issued and alternative suggested'
# at t/911-Apache2-0.30.t line 53.
# found warning: WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::XS 0.25 is require. fallback to PP version at /usr/perl5.18.4p/lib/site_perl/5.18.4/amd64-freebsd/WWW/Form/ line 17.
# found carped warning: MVC::Neaf::Request::Apache2 is DEPRECATED and will be REMOVED in 0.30. Use Plack::Handler::Apache2 instead. at t/911-Apache2-0.30.t line 52.
# expected to find warning: (?^:DEPRECATED.*Plack::Handler::Apache)
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 7.
t/911-Apache2-0.30.t ..................
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/7 subtests
This happens if XS and PP version of WWW::Form::UrlEncoded do not match. See also kazeburo/WWW-Form-UrlEncoded#3
dallaylaen commented
Thank you! Is there a link to the full run? Anyway I'll try to fix it...
eserte commented
All FAILs by me (SREZIC) are probably caused by this problem:;reports=1
dallaylaen commented
This has been fixed by 0.2603. Thanks again for you contribution!