Libgit fix
tenspd137 opened this issue · 4 comments
Not an issue, but I got it to compile with libgit2-0.26 and quazip-0.7.3-r1. I have a patch showing the changes necessary. Basically, libgit2 extended the API to include proxy data for git_remote_connect. Since fritzing doesn't look like it accounts for it, just fill the function with nullptrs. Attached is a patch I used and slight modifications to your ebuild. It was so small, I fiugred I'd just give it to you here and let you decide if you want it or not.
Thanks otherwise - I was having all sorts of problems modifying the ebuild before I cam across this.
Well - it is in a zip anyway :)
Sorry for the delay, it's been a busy month.
Does this fix a problem you encountered trying to use this repository/ebuild to install fritzing?
Ah yes, I see now. I had added the older version of libgit2 to this repository because it was no longer available and fritzing required it, but patching fritzing to use a newer version is a much better solution.
That is a good find, I didn't realize it was only one function call that was the problem. I added the patch and update ebuild. Thanks!