
Coroutines in C

Primary LanguageC


Coroutines in C

This is a simple prototype coroutines library written in C.

What is a coroutine?

A coroutine is a cooperative multitasking object. It is basically a function that executes in parallel with other functions in the single threaded program. A coroutine is never preempted by the kernel in order to give another coroutine the CPU. All context switches between coroutines are voluntary.

Why coroutines?

Because multithreading is almost impossible to get right and the cause, in my opinion, of the vast majority of the bugs in today's software. Coroutines allow programs to be single threaded while also making use of blocking file descriptors. Without coroutines, you would need to use non-blocking file descriptors to avoid threading and those introduce even more complexity.

How this works

There is a CoroutineMachine object that is responsible for running all the coroutines. It owns all the coroutines and enables them to yield to one another and wait for I/O. It is the main loop and it is expected that it will be run from the main function in the program.

Each coroutine's state is held in a Coroutine object that is created when necessary, usually by another coroutine. It is very cheap to create a coroutine. Each Coroutine object is passed a pointer to a function that will be the body of the coroutine. This function is called when the coroutine is started and runs until completion, at which point the coroutine object ceases to exist.

The coroutines function, referred to as its functor is a function with the following signature:

void (*)(Coroutine*);

That is, it takes a single pointer to the Coroutine object and returns void.

Constructing a coroutine

A Coroutine object is generally constructed by another coroutine and it may be built either on the caller's stack or from heap memory. The following functions exist to create a Coroutine object:

// Initialize a coroutine with the default stack size.
void CoroutineInit(Coroutine* c, struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                   CoroutineFunctor functor);

// Initialize a coroutine with given stack size.
void CoroutineInitWithStackSize(Coroutine* c, struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                                CoroutineFunctor functor, size_t stack_size);

void CoroutineInitWithUserData(Coroutine* c, struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                               CoroutineFunctor functor, void* user_data);
void CoroutineInitWithStackSizeAndUserData(Coroutine* c,
                                           struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                                           CoroutineFunctor functor,
                                           size_t stack_size, void* user_data);

// Allocate new coroutine on heap with default stack size.
Coroutine* NewCoroutine(struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                        CoroutineFunctor functor);
Coroutine* NewCoroutineWithStackSize(struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                                     CoroutineFunctor functor,
                                     size_t stack_size);

Coroutine* NewCoroutineWithUserData(struct CoroutineMachine* machine,
                                    CoroutineFunctor functor, void* user_data);
Coroutine* NewCoroutineWithStackSizeAndUserData(
    struct CoroutineMachine* machine, CoroutineFunctor functor,
    size_t stack_size, void* user_data);

The functions starting with NewCoroutine allocate the Coroutine from the heap and return a pointer to it. The function starting with CoroutineInit take a pointer to a Coroutine object and initialize it.

The corresponding functions to destruct and delete the Coroutine are:

void CoroutineDestruct(Coroutine* c);
void CoroutineDelete(Coroutine* c);

The former destructs a Coroutine without freeing the memory, while the latter calls free on the pointer. Obviously it's important to call the right one, but these are rarely needed to be called by the user as coroutines are self-destructing.

Each coroutine has a unique integral ID, managed by the CoroutineMachine. The IDs are held in a compressed bitset and will be reused aggressively. In other words, once an ID is freed up, it will be taken by another coroutine.

You can ask is a coroutine is alive by calling CoroutineIsAlive.

Coroutines each have their own runtime stack, allocated from the heap when the Coroutine object is constructed. By default this stack is pretty small at only 8KB. The should be sufficient for most small tasks, but you have full control over the amount of memory allocated for a stack as a parameter to the construction functions.

Coroutines also have some user data that can be provided by the caller. This is generally a pointer to some memory that holds arguments passed to the coroutine. It can be passed when the coroutine is constructed or by calling

void CoroutineSetUserData(Coroutine* c, void* user_data);

The coroutine can retrieve the user data by accessing the user_data member of the Coroutine object or by calling:

void* CoroutineGetUserData(Coroutine* c);

Coroutines all have a name, which is generated by default to be co-N where N is the routine's ID. You can set this name to something else by calling:

void CoroutineSetName(Coroutine* c, const char* name);

And you can get it by calling:

const char* CoroutineGetName(Coroutine* c);

Starting a coroutine

When a Coroutine is constructed it is not yet ready to run. To put it in a state where it will be invoked, you must started it by calling CoroutineStart. When this is called, the CoroutineMachine will schedule it for running and it will be invoked at the earliest opportunity.

Cooperating with other coroutines

This is the most important aspect of coroutines - you must not hog the CPU or block it and not allow others to run. The main way to break a program using coroutines is by calling a blocking I/O function, like read on a file descriptor that has no data availalble. Therefore it is very important that before a coroutine calls anything that might block the program for any significant amount of time, the coroutine must yield control and allow others to run.

There are two ways to yield control:

  1. Calling CoroutineYield
  2. Calling CoroutineWait

The former can be used when the coroutine is processing something that will take a long time and wants to give another coroutine a chance to run.

The latter is used before the coroutine wants to perform I/O on a file descriptor that could block the program.

Both of these functions yield control to the CoroutineMachine which will choose another coroutine to run.

For example, if the coroutine wants to read from a file descriptor, you must do something like this:

CoroutineWait(c, fd, POLLIN);
ssize_t n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));

The CoroutineWait function yields control from the coroutine and the coroutine will resume execution when the given file descriptor has the event POLLIN available in the CoroutineMachine's call to poll (this uses multiplexed I/O).

Because this uses multiplexed I/O a file descriptor of any type may be used and not just sockets or files. For example you could use a timerfd on Linux to create a timed wait.

A possible enhancement would be to allow a wait to be performed on multiple file descriptors.

The Main Loop

The main loop looks something like this:

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  CoroutineMachine m;

  Coroutine listener;
  CoroutineInit(&listener, &m, Listener);

  // Run the main loop

The Listener is a coroutine functor that is run by the machine. It can create other coroutines as needed.


This library uses a round-robin fair scheduling algorithm that always chooses the coroutine that has been waiting the longest. There is no provision for priority.


Two reasonably functional examples are provided for your enjoyment:

  1. A simple HTTP server
  2. An HTTP client

The server only handles GET requests for files on the local machine. It is single-thread but uses coroutines to execute all requests simulataneously. It is very efficient.

The client is meant to exercise the server and allows multiple GET requests to be sent to a server at the same time. It just gets a file and prints it to standard output. All output is interleaved. It is single threaded and uses coroutines to perform each request. Be careful doing too many of them at once because you will run out of file descriptors (MacOS sets a limit of 256 in the shell, but you change it).

Generators and inter-coroutine calls

A pretty cool use of coroutines is to allow them to be used as a Generator where one coroutine calls another, which generates a value and yields back control to the caller. Then, when another call is made, a new value is generated, etc.

This is supported by this implementation using the following functions:

  1. CoroutineCall
  2. CoroutineYieldValue

The former yields control of the CPU and invokes or resumes another coroutine passing it a location into which a value may be stored.

The latter is used in the generator to yield control back to the caller and return a value to it.

Here are the function signatures:

void CoroutineCall(Coroutine* c, Coroutine* callee, void* result,
                   size_t result_size);
void CoroutineYieldValue(Coroutine* c, void* value);                   

The caller coroutine passes the address and size of the value it would like from the callee coroutine. You can pass NULL for no value. The generator coroutine is uses the CoroutineYieldValue to yield back and copy the value (of the appropriate size) into the address provided by the caller.

Here's an example:

void Generator(Coroutine* c) {
  for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
    CoroutineYieldValue(c, &i);

void Numbers(Coroutine* c) {
  Coroutine generator;
  CoroutineInit(&generator, c->machine, Generator);
  while (CoroutineIsAlive(c, &generator)) {
    int value = 0;
    CoroutineCall(c, &generator, &value, sizeof(value));
    if (CoroutineIsAlive(c, &generator)) {
      printf("Value: %d\n", value);