
Build the envorinment

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Hi,First thanks for the great work.
I really like this UI and some of the things.
I'm a student from taiwan and now trying to build a charging station.
Here is my problem :
First I follow the step in Configuration and Installation:
STEP 1 & 2 I use the default , I didn't do any changes.
Make sure you installed the .NET-Core SDK. →I download : .NET Core 3.1 SDK (v3.1.405)
Open a command shell and navigate to the root folder of the project. →Yes
Execute the following command dotnet build OCPP.Core.sln →Success
Copy the 'wwwroot' folder to the build target directory (where the dlls are)
→I can't understand this,so I copy the folder to

  • OCPP.Core.Database\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1
  • OCPP.Core.Management\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1
  • OCPP.Core.Server\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1

Start both executables (=> Kestrel webserver) → This step I can't understand either.

I have learn C# windowform before , I want to see this project's feature can do work for me or not.
Thank you!

Hi,Thanks for your reply
I'll try it in next monday,If there have any question or anything update.
I'll update here

Hi,sorry for the late reply.
I have follow the new Build & Run instructions
And on the first step:
I can't really understand this(I usually use xampp to do the local work, is this work for me?)
so I didn't do anything,then I go ahead to the next:
Build and run
this step is work for me , and I can go to the login page, and I login by the account:admin/t3st
But when I login , I get the error message like below:
------------------------ERROR CODE----------------------------------
An error occurred while processing your request.
Request ID: |e866a0a3-45e630a15d19bce7.

Development Mode
Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.

The Development environment shouldn't be enabled for deployed applications. It can result in displaying sensitive information from exceptions to end users. For local debugging, enable the Development environment by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development and restarting the app.

which step did I do wrong?
Thanks for your reply!

Does it work or do you need further help?

Sorry for the late reply, last 2 week is chinese new year,
I'll follow your new build&run if I found new questions, I will let you know
In addition,is this system work with the real charging machine? I have 2~4 charging machine(use OCPP) here.

Hi I have try the new build & run
First I install the sqlite , I use this tutorials
Then change the code in mangerment and server application.json:

"ConnectionStrings": {
//"SQLite": "Filename=.\..\SQLite\OCPP.Core.sqlite;"


"SQLite": "Filename=C:\\temp\\OCPP.Core.sqlite;"

Create the folder C:/temp

Copy the file in \OCPP.Core\SQLite\OCPP.Core.Empty.sqlite

Delete the Empty in filename
So it look like this:

And I still get the same error , is there anything I did wrong?

Thanks again for your help

Hi thanks for your reply,
I have rebuild the file and it works now,
Can I know how can I connect to the EV simulator ( Just for test , and I can familiar with the environment, can you recommend ?) and the real EV charger?
Now I can get Delta、Phihong、Siemens's EV charger (these are on work now),
If I can test for you guys it will be great!

The delta chargers obviously have no Web-UI. They offer a web application instead to create a config file:


  1. Create configuration files via Web configuration tool.
    Features and attributes of the product can be configured are as below:
    Communication attributes of 3G, Ethernet, WiFi
    OCPP Version (1.5 SOAP, 1.6 JSON)
    Maximum charging time
    More information and instructions are available at http://evcs.deltaww.com/ConfigTools/.
  2. Download and store the firmware package on a USB flash drive.
  3. Configure the product:
    a. Make sure the charging progress is disabled.
    b. Insert the USB flash drive to the USB port.
    c. All indicators (Power / Status / Charge / Fault) illuminate at the same time signifying the process is enabled.
    d. A regular slow blink of Power and Status indicators signify a completed
    e. Unplug the USB flash drive.
    f. The product restarts automatically, and then returns to the previous status.

OK ,Thanks you , I'll try my best to do this.
If I get any new problems,I'll update here
If you guys have try the real ev charger you can let me know too!
Thanks again!

Hi,I have read these documents roughly, I don't know my thought is correct or not.
All of our ev charger have been Installation、connected by Internet cable and we can connected it by 4G Router.
Can I just use my computer to connect them , and search them in Local area network?
Just like this:
EV charger-------RJ45 cable-------computer
Then run your OCPP-Server ,connect data from it?


Here is the link about the ev charger we have,I do my best to find these in English , hope this could help!

@tomas890628 Hello, I am also using a Delta charging station recently. As for creating a configuration file through the web configuration tool, only dealers can set it up, and users themselves cannot set it up?