This repository is no longer in active development, and has been superseded by the updated version available here: That new repository has been updated to include data from CalEnviroScreen 4.0, and has been reorganized with a new directory structure and tools / processes to improve reproducibility. Please use that new repository going forward.
This draft tool (available at: displays California's Redlined communites, and helps to assess potential correlations between those policies and indicators of enviornmental and public health (e.g., 303d impaired water bodies, CalEnviroScreen scores), as well as facilities regulated by the CalEPA. More layers will be added in the future (current data sources are described in the script file).
NOTE: the Process-Data.R
script shows how to access and transform some
of the data to prepare it for use in this application
For more information on the history around Redline mapping and other studies of its effects, see: - Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America (University of Richmond) - Interactive Redlining Map Zooms In On America's History Of Discrimination (NPR) - How Redlining’s Racist Effects Lasted for Decades (New York Times) - The Effects of the 1930s HOLC “Redlining” Maps (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) - Redlining was banned 50 years ago. It’s still hurting minorities today. (Washington Post) - Racist Housing Practices From The 1930s Linked To Hotter Neighborhoods Today (NPR)
- Redline Maps (University of Richmond)
- CalEnviroScreen 3.0 (California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) | Web-service available here (click on the "Layer Preview" link, layer name: "calepa:CES3June2018Update")
- 2014/2016 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listed Waterbodies (California State Water Resources Control Board)
- CalEPA Regulated Sites (California EPA Geoserver) | Web-service (click on the "Layer Preview" link, layer names: "calepa:mv_fac_from_ciwqs", "calepa:mv_fac_from_smarts", "calepa:mv_fac_from_geotracker") | Also available from the (CalEPA Regulated Site Portal)](
- CalEPA Regulated Sites, Site Program Types, Inspections, Violations, and Enforcement Actions (CalEPA Regulated Site Portal)
- California Drinking Water Provider Service Areas (California State Water Resources Control Board Map Services) | For web-service, use the "Service URL" link | Also available from the California State Geoportal
- California Water Board Regional Office Boundaries (California State Water Resources Control Board Map Services) | Also available from the California State Geoportal
(NOTE: press the "f" key to view in full screen mode, press "?"" to see other viewing options)
Slides from March 18, 2021 presentation available at:
Slides from November 17, 2021 presentation available at: