PFAS Database

Database to store PFAS data.



Graphical Interfaces / Data Viewers

  • DBeaver (Community Edition) (works with both SQLite and DuckDB)
    • Download from:
      • Download and run the installer (e.g. the Windows (installer) link which downloads a .exe file)
      • During the installation process, you'll have a 'Choose Users' option - select the 'For me (username)' option (NOT "For anyone...")
      • Accept the remaining defaults (you can choose where to install if you want)
    • (optional) Pin dbeaver.exe to taskbar and/or add a shortcut somewhere convenient
    • This should automatically work with SQLite
    • To use with DuckDB, you'll need to install the DuckDB JDBC driver - the instructions will be automatically provided when you try to connect, and they're also described here


Graphical Interfaces / Data Viewers

  • SQLiteStudio

    • Download from:
      • Platform: Windows x64 | Package type: Portable
    • Unzip the file into a location where you want to install (e.g. user folder)
    • (optional) Pin SQLiteStudio.exe to taskbar and/or add a shortcut somewhere convenient
  • DB Browser for SQLite

    • Download from:
      • Use 'Windows PortableApp' version
    • Move the .exe file to the loaction where you want to install (e.g. user folder), then run the file
    • (optional) Pin SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable.exe to taskbar and/or add a shortcut somewhere convenient