
Vscode lucks Python 3.10 higlights

Arison7 opened this issue · 8 comments

First, I would like to say that Aura is the best vscode theme out there.
I am not 100% sure if that's an issue of a theme, but with different themes, it works just fine.
To put it simple new functions from Python 3.10 are not being highlighted.

best regards,

Hi @Arison7 , thanks.

Could you please give me more details about this? I'm not a Python 3 programmer, so what functions are you talking about from that image? The match? I tried that snippet of code, and the other themes only highlight the "eventSource" part. Also, could you provide a screenshot using the theme that makes the highlight properly you are talking about?

The problem is: all the white text has the same scope, unfortunately I can do nothing about this, because if I change the source.python, it will change the color for all of source.python without distinction.
Captura de Tela 2022-07-09 às 13 01 42

So "match" is basically "switch" functionality for python added in 3.10. It supposed to be highlighted like this
with "case" and "match" being treated as functions (aura for reference)
And i think it was done through token type although to be fair I am not sure how the themes exactly works

@Arison7 by default vscode doesn't have that keyword.control token in this context, probably you are using some extension that adds the python 3 support for these tokens... Could you please share the extensions you are using?

@daltonmenezes sorry for the wait. I don't use any extension that could cause this effect. Furthermore proper highlighting works with a basic vscode theme

@Arison7 what version of vscode are you using? the regular one or inside version?

@daltonmenezes I actually needed to do some research about this topic. I didn't know such a thing as an insider version existed. I am using standard vs code.

Hi everyone! Something similar happened to me and I solved it with this parameter in settings.js

Then, my .py files accepted my modified colors because the inspect recognize the semantic token type

I hope this solve your problem @Arison7 ! And @daltonmenezes I want to than you for this theme, it's amazing and I love it 🤗

Thanks @LeandroNardi96 💜

For all folks who will read it, as the semantic highlighting option must be a personal choice to activate it, I'm closing this issue.