- 2
Resolving sub-paths is not working correctly
#37 opened by carlspring - 1
Support APPEND option
#34 opened by 243826 - 3
Set block-size for a file before creation
#31 opened by magicDGS - 3
how to use the lib in tomcat ?
#29 opened by renyaoxiang - 5
Support for FileChannel
#12 opened by ogirardot - 2
Can I use the class in the jsr203?
#30 opened by renyaoxiang - 1
Change of version nomenclature
#27 opened by damiencarol - 1
Fix Hadoop 2.4.0/2.2.0 compatibility
#25 opened by damiencarol - 2
Set XML file location in configure file
#21 opened by zong0jie - 2
Support for WatchService (WIP)
#10 opened by damiencarol - 1
Implement basic:fileKey
#18 opened by damiencarol - 0
- 3
Relative Path Handling
#4 opened by jbunting - 1
Add more java version for testing
#16 opened by damiencarol - 1
Add maven artifact
#15 opened by damiencarol - 0
Better support of file attributes (WIP)
#9 opened by damiencarol - 1
Support for Posix FileAttributeView
#8 opened by damiencarol - 1
Relativize/resolve combination is broken
#7 opened by damiencarol - 0
Change hadoop dependency to be [provided]
#5 opened by aharonha