
Improving Lua Method Editor settings

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Improving Lua Method Editor settings must be improved to set up custom elements colours.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-06-14 à 14 12 34

Ask for @dobo365 mods and merge code :
Code Editor Preferences

Renamed Settings to Preferences to be closer to other programs.
Adapted popup with extra properties. Use of color dialog popup. Better look (see picture above)

Code editor Preferences.zip

Source - UIcomponents - CtrlrLua - MethodEditor - CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditorSettings.cpp and .h
CtrlrIDs.h: add

    DECLARE_ID (luaMethodEditorLineNumbersBgColour);
    DECLARE_ID (luaMethodEditorLineNumbersColour);

Still to do: secure that the selected colors are kept through sessions.