Memory management
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What is the memory management approach of this library? Are the C++ callbacks freed? Can I free them explicitly? This is important because they might be holding onto e. g. heavyweight objects through capture.
It's based on embind emscripten::val, hence if you stop reffering it from JS or from C++ it gets destroyed :
clickme_btn.set("onclick", js::bind(onclick, _1));
js::bind creates an std::function object managed by an emscripten::val
referring to the onclick function/lambda. emscripten::val
is like a shared_ptr between 2 worlds C++ and JS. It has a reference count and if nobody uses it anymore it gets deleted.
In this case if I change the "onclick" event handler of clickme_btn to something else the previous std::function should get deleted (as soon as JS garbage collection kicks in, as the reference is kept by an object in the JS space).