
"SPI read operation failed." Error

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear damip, I have download and run your code on my Raspberry 3. But it keeps logging "Connected" and "SPI read operation failed. Reconnecting."
Do you have any idea what happens?

damip commented

it means that the software wasn't able to read from SPI.
Here are some possible reasons that come to mind:

  • Is your SPI port enabled on raspberry ? Here is a tutorial http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2014/08/enabling-the-spi-interface-on-the-raspberry-pi/
  • Does the software have read access rights to SPI ? Try launching it as root to check
  • Check the connections, check if the lepton properly powered (right voltage, polarity etc...), check if your SPI cables are not too long or too capacitive
  • Maybe there is a software problem as well: is there anything using the rpi CPU heavily and that could mess up the timings ? Is there any other software trying to access SPI ?

Check if your lepton works with the demo software: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/flir-lepton-hookup-guide

As I also download this code and it can works with the lepton camera. So I think the connection is OK.
Also I run the code as sudo.