
Start your next project with the right foot: a scalable frontend architecture.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Bemo is a Sass-based project starter meant to be a starting point and structural guide rather than a full framework. It's bare enough to not interfere with your custom styles or scripts, but yet has enough functioning modules to jumpstart a project in no time.

Bemo strictly follows the BEM naming methodology, and is heavily inspired by many modern sass framework and lot of works.


Bemo is disteributed with NPM package:

npm install bemo-sass --save-dev

or with Yarn:

yarn add -D bemo-sass


To manage and install Bemo you can use a install script

$ bemo --directory styles/sass --basename application
Usage: bemo [options]

   --directory DIRECTORY       Directory where BEMO will be installed
   --extension EXTENSION       Extension to use for SASS files (default: `sass`)
   --basename FILE_BASENAME    Final name of base filename (default: `application`)

Other options:
   --merge-var             Custom file with merge variables
   --webfont               WebFont system


A Bemo project will look like this:

  |-- bemo.sass
  |-- blocks
  |-- functions
  |-- mixins
  |-- utilities
  |-- variables
  |-- _root-theme.sass
  |-- _base.sass
  └-- _normalize.sass

The fulcrum of the whole tree lies in the stylesheets/blocks directory, which will contain all the blocks that compose your frontend styling.

Storybook and preview

A preview of the BEM blocks and all utilities distributed with Bemo is available here: http://cantierecreativo.github.io/bemo/


Bemo2 use the sass-lint package to check the code.

To run locally test you can run:

$ yarn lint

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox IE Opera Safari
Latest Latest 10+ Latest 6.1+


We welcome contributions to Storybook!

  • ⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome.
  • Read our contributing guide to get started.


Project License is MIT