Pandocker provides a consistent pandoc + latex typesetting environment
Currently used for
- Presentations - (markdown -> beamer pdf)
- Documentation - (markdown -> {pdf,docx,rtf})
Includes LaTex CTAN packages
- lastpage
- moderncv
- tufte-latex
- changepage
- paralist
- titlesec
- ec
- units
- lipsum
- palatino
- mathpazo
- fpl
- ucs
- etoolbox
- fontawesome
To use as a drop in replacement for pandoc + latex add the following to .bash_profile
or .zshrc
pandoc() {
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/source damonpetta/pandocker $@
docker run --rm -v $$(pwd):/source damonpetta/pandocker --latex-engine=xelatex -t beamer -H your_style.tex -o beamer.pdf