Level editor: Deleting levels results in duplicating deleted levels
Closed this issue · 2 comments
On deleting a level in the level editor (game version 0.6.1), the operation appears to succeed, but when you go back to the 'edit levels' level list, the remaining levels are all listed as 'Untitled'. Additionally, when you attempt to edit those levels, it becomes apparent they are now duplicates of the deleted level.
I have 3 levels in one campaign. I deleted the second level and the above happened: i.e. the first and third are now exactly the same as the 2nd was before it was deleted. However, the data in the .level files remains original, i.e. contains the data for the original 1st and 3rd levels, including their names.
Log file (2014-10-05T18-12-30):
Logging to C:\Users\Owen\AppData\Roaming\Redirection\logs\2014-10-05T18-12-30.txt
Redirection 0.6.1
Developed by Daniel Ratcliffe (dratcliffe@gmail.com)
SDL version: 2.0.3
Platform: Windows (Windows)
Steamworks not requested
Loading mod mods/InfiniteRecursion.zip (Infinite Recursion)
Loading mod mods/UltimateTutorial.zip (redirectiongame.com)
Trying to use language en
Using language en (English)
Creating window sized 845x480
Loaded level levels/empty.level
Loaded level levels/startscreen.level
Loading mod editor/mods/InfiniteRecursion (Infinite Recursion)
1 assets reloaded
Loaded level levels/modeditor.level
Loaded level levels/firstrecursion/2.level
Loaded level levels/modeditor.level
Unloading mod editor/mods/InfiniteRecursion (Infinite Recursion)
Loading mod mods/InfiniteRecursion.zip (Infinite Recursion)
Loading mod mods/UltimateTutorial.zip (redirectiongame.com)
Loading mod mods/InfiniteRecursion.zip (Infinite Recursion)
Loading mod mods/UltimateTutorial.zip (redirectiongame.com)
2 assets reloaded
Loaded level levels/startscreen.level
Loading mod editor/mods/InfiniteRecursion (Infinite Recursion)
2 assets reloaded
Loaded level levels/modeditor.level
Loaded level levels/firstrecursion/2.level
Resolution changed to 1280x705
Game shutdown
Fixed in 0.6.2, thanks for reporting this!
FYI: your lost levels are still there, but the bug removed them from the .campaign file, so you can get them back by editing the file by hand