
UI that imports other UI in package causes causes error I found a solution

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so if you use a component like toast or form that imports another ui element it cant find it when building change the @ui/: [./src/] to @repo/ui/: [./src/]

also change the import alias to "aliases": {
"components": "@repo/ui/components",
"utils": "@repo/ui/lib/utils"

that way when adding a component like form or toast it creates the import like import { Label } from "@repo/ui/components/ui/label"; and import { cn } from "@repo/ui/lib/utils";

in the ui's package.json my exports are: "exports": {
"./components/": [
": "./src/lib/*.ts",
"./globals.css": "./src/globals.css",
"./tailwind.config": "./tailwind.config.ts",
"./postcss.config": "./postcss.config.js"


  • replace @ui/components/ui to ../ui
  • replace @ui/lib to ../../lib


"aliases": {
    "components": "../components",
    "utils": "../../lib/utils"

@fkysly that would be good but it doesn't work. The CLI requires valid ts aliases and absolute/relative paths throw an error.

Should work fine now, thanks @bernardstein