
acme.sh accesses wrong directory

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Anmerkung 2019-08-06 223514
This is what I am facing. I believe the freenas.local is wrong but dunno how to change it to the correct one...
Anmerkung 2019-08-06 222453

OK, I changed the settings in the deploy_freenas.py file and it said:

root@freenas[~]# /root/deploy-freenas/deploy_freenas.py
Certificate import successful
Certificate list successful
Setting active certificate successful

Now I also have the certificate under System --> Certificates and set under General the protocol to HTTPS but when I access the WebGUI, it still tells me it is an unsecure connection...

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

I think I've seen cases where the API method to reload the webserver doesn't work as expected. Does it work if you run service nginx reload at the CLI?

service nginx reload

I tried to apply your logic to my Nextcloud jail btw and now I cannot access its GUI anymore :(

After doing the service nginx reload, are you now able to access the web GUI? If not, what error are you getting?

I tried to apply your logic to my Nextcloud jail

Nothing about this script was intended to work with Nextcloud in any way, so it isn't surprising it didn't work.

I was able to access the WebGUI before but was thinking my browser would deem it a secure connection given that a certificate was deployed.

So what is the certificate error you're seeing?

I was expecting to not see the label "not secure" in my browser:

Shouldn't that now be gone?

Shouldn't that now be gone?

No. You'll get a certificate error if the hostname you're browsing to is not the same as a hostname on the certificate. If you browse to your actual FQDN (the one you put on the certificate), it may fix the problem. If it doesn't, I'd need to see the "Weitere Informationen".