Can't connect to Nextcloud on LAN
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Hello and thank you @danb35 for this script ๐
I managed to install Nextcloud on my TrueNAS and configure it with my OVH domain name.
Just after the installation I logged in as admin, created users, etc.
But this morning, I can't connect to Nextcloud with my domain :
I encounter an error of this type: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
I am thinking of a configuration error or a failed step between my router (Livebox Play) and OVH Zone DNS.
I can't connect with the jail IP too.
How to find the source of the problem ?
Caddy logfile :
Replaced my email with xxxx
"No valid IP addresses found for"
[] Obtain: [] solving challenges: no solvers available for remaining challenges
I don't know why it worked first, but not anymore...
"No valid IP addresses found for"
That pretty well is your problem--you need to set up a DNS record for
pointing to your public IP address.
Mmh ok, I created a no-ip account with this address:
This address has for IP / Target the IPv4 WAN address of my router :
Im my router, configured DynDns with no-ip :
Added, username and password.
In OVH I changed to the domain (CNAME)
Is it correct ?
Is it correct ?
Seems like it. Your hostname resolves to an IP address now, and I'm able to reach the login page of your Nextcloud installation there.
Yes thank you ! In fact I can't access to Nextcloud on my local network LAN.
However the domain and the IP address are well configured :
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'localhost',
1 => '',
2 => '',
Problem solved using a VPN when I'm on LAN, not ideal but it works well.
I guess that's one way to do it. But what you really need to do is what I say in the README: configure your LAN (specifically, your router or whatever provides DNS to your LAN) in such a way that
resolves to
from within your LAN.
Impossible because my router does not support hairpinning...
I ordered a new one which will solve this problem, I hope.
This has nothing to do with hairpinning (although that would me another may to make this work); it's all a matter of DNS. If your router doesn't support split DNS, a local Pi-Hole instance (which runs fine in a VM on Free/TrueNAS) would do the job.