
How to obtain `pairs` information from other non-GPU TDA packages?

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Excellent work! I am wondering if I could use other non-GPU TDA package such as gudhi or giotto instead?

The critical thing is the variable pairs=rc['pairs'][dim] needs to be calculated. I notice the most updated ripser++ no longer has pairs in ripserplusplus.run() output rather than the old version you provided in requirements.txt. How about other TDA packages? Will the equivalent pairs information be available?

Thank you.

Hi! Sorry for the late reply. RTDLoss object has a parameter called "engine", which can be switched to Giotto to use it. However, I recommend using our patched version of the Ripser++ (ripserplusplus@git+https://github.com/ArGintum/RipserZeros.git@bac8a96f56e9e3ed46202323accbeeee11c4b54c), which outputs pairs. It is mentioned in requirements.txt

Hi, it seems the old version of Ripser++, which you provided in requirements.txt , is no longer available, and the most updated ripser++ no longer has 'pairs'.
The Giotto also does not have 'pairs' output, do you have any suggestion to solve this problem
