
Vitunes fails to access Library for non-english locale

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Nice hack :)

Small problem: I found that ViTunes could not access the song library on my (German-Language) Macbook.
After a bit of debugging, it turned out that these lines in main.m fail:

library = [[iTunes sources] objectWithName:@"Library"];
libraryPlaylist = [[library playlists] objectWithName:@"Library"];

because the object names in question ('Library') are localized in international versions (they are called 'Mediathek' in German locale).

I don't know if it is possible to query the objects in a locale-independent fashion. However, I found that these objects seem to be at index 0 (always?). So you may want to collect the object at index 0, like so:

This solves the issue for me.


-- Andi

--- a/vitunes/main.m
+++ b/vitunes/main.m
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
     args = [rawArgs subarrayWithRange:aRange];
   iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.apple.iTunes"];
-  library = [[iTunes sources] objectWithName:@"Library"];
-  libraryPlaylist = [[library playlists] objectWithName:@"Library"];
+  library = [[iTunes sources] objectAtIndex:0]; 
+  libraryPlaylist = [[library playlists] objectAtIndex:0 ];                            
   if ([action isEqual: @"search"]) {
   } else if ([action isEqual: @"playTrackID"]) { 

This patch solved the same problem I had on my (French-Language) MacBook.


Thank you very much for this patch. Version 0.4.3 incorporates it.