Chat Without Websocket (Chat WoWS)


To enable two-way chat without websocket, will be using HTTP POST and Server Sent Event (SSE) instead.

  • Send message with HTTP POST
  • Receive message through SSE with EventSouce API

Development Setup

  • Python 3.7
  • Install pipenv: pip3 install pipenv
  • Install dependencies: pipenv install
  • Redis server
    • via docker: docker run --rm --name temp-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis


gunicorn app:app --worker-class gevent --bind

Then, visit localhost:5000 from browser and follow as example below


  1. SSE from Ably
  2. SSE from Mozilla
  3. Flask-SSE
  4. Styling
  5. Send AJAX Vanilla JS