
W3CDom::fromJsoup breaks inputs in HTML forms

testinfected opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

Previously we were using the now removed DOMContent (in openhtmltopdf-jsoup-dom-converter) to convert HTML 5 using jsoup to a w3c DOM representation.

We've upgraded to 1.0.1 and use the latest jsoup as recommended in the integration guide, i.e.

var doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
var dom = new W3CDom().fromJsoup(doc);

Unfortunately it breaks our form inputs, which no longer appear in the generated pdf. It works with HTML tags with a corresponding closing tag (e.g. textarea), but apparently not with other tags.

Works fine with 1.0.1 and the old openhtmltopdf-jsoup-dom-converter

Hi @testinfected,

I suspect this could be an issue with namespaces. Are you able to try with a document that specifies no namespace? Something like:

  <input type="text" name="firstName">

Hi @danfickle

We don't have any namespace in our document. It's a plain HTML 5 document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

We have the same issue with the example at https://github.com/danfickle/openhtmltopdf/wiki/Form-Controls


Thanks @testinfected,

I've worked around the behavior of Jsoup converter now. It took a lot of debugging to find the root cause.

Thanks @danfickle, that's great news!