
Title property is missing in result PDF

mgm-rwagner opened this issue · 5 comments

I tried the example from the wiki page (https://github.com/danfickle/openhtmltopdf/wiki/PDF-Accessibility-(PDF-UA,-WCAG,-Section-508)-Support) with the 1.0.8 release and the accessibility checker returns that the title is missing.


Maybe i do something wrong but with the 1.0.3 release it was working.

Is there something like a workaround? I need it in an project very soon.

syjer commented

Hi @mgm-rwagner , looks like the title XMP metadata is not set according to the checker:


I'll have a deeper look.

syjer commented

hi @mgm-rwagner , I did a small test, you need to set the "PdfAConformance".

In you builder:


You get:


I'll update the documentation, as it was missing this line of code.

syjer commented

About the reason: you can see in https://github.com/danfickle/openhtmltopdf/blob/open-dev-v1/openhtmltopdf-pdfbox/src/main/java/com/openhtmltopdf/pdfboxout/PdfBoxRenderer.java#L728

Without a PDF/A set, it will avoid the whole section where it set some part of the xmp metadata.

Thank you for the fast response. Now it works.

One should be able to create PDF/UA docs that are not also PDF/A compliant, I think. I'll have to do some research on what metadata is required in each of the following circumstances:

  • PDF/UA
  • PDF/A
  • Both
    This also shows the perils of not having automated testing as it was correct (I believe) for PDF/UA but not PDF/A before fix was applied for the latter.

BTW. Thanks @syjer for investigating.