
"html" element viewport width not adjusted when pagesize is set to landscape in a named @page (unnamed works ok)

florimon opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, first of all thanks for creating an amazing utility.

I ran into the following issue though, here is my 'testcase' html in condensed form:

<html lang="en" class="landscape">
            @page portrait {
                size: a4 portrait;
            @page landscape {
                size: a4 landscape;
                border: 5px solid red;
            html.portrait {
                page: portrait;
            html.landscape {
                page: landscape;
            html {
                height: 100%;
                border: 5px solid green;

By putting a 'landscape' CSS class on the "html" element, the "@page landscape" rule is activated, which is evidenced by the produced PDF being in landscape mode, and the page having a thick red border box.
Inside this red box however is a much narrower green box around the "html" element - I would have expected this to align on all sides to the red box instead. When you change the "@page landscape" selector to just "@page", the green box does indeed have the same width as the red box.

I'm experiencing the same. Is there a solution for this?

Why not just apply the styles to the body element? Is there a reason why that doesn't work?