

Primary LanguageGo


Milho is a lisp-ish language created by @celsobonutti and me (@danfragoso).

This repo hosts the GO implementation of the Milho interpreter and compiler. There's also Rust, Haskell and OCaml implementations.

Try it online (WebAssembly version)


How does it work?

Tokenizer → Parser → MIR
                      ├ → Interpreter (Linux, BSD, WebAssembly)
                      │                or anything you manage to run GO on.
                      └ → Compiler/Codegen
                            ├ → JavaScript source code
                            └ → LLVM IR code


make build


make install

Running a milho file

milho hello.milho

Creating scripts

If you want to run milho files from the command line, you can create a milho script. You just need to add #!/bin/milho to the top of your file and run with ./script.milho.


(defn getUserName ()
  (exec-stdout "git" "config" "--get" "user.name"))

(defn buildHelloString (who)
  (str "Hello " who "! 🌽"))

(def userName (getUserName))

(if (! (= userName ""))
  (println (buildHelloString userName))
  (exit 1)) ;; Exit with error if no user.name.

Compiling a milho file

// To JavaScript
milho -cJS examples/hello.milho > hello.js
node hello.js
milho -cLLVM examples/hello.milho > hello.ll
lli hello.ll

Configuring git hooks

make hooks

Running the repl

make repl
Milho REPL 🌽 v.6f29e9e_2021-04-22
Danilo Fragoso <danilo.fragoso@gmail.com> - 2021
🌽 > (def milho 10)
🍿 milho
🌽 > (def sq_milho (* milho milho))
🍿 sq_milho
🌽 > (prn sq_milho)
🍿 Nil