
Add reports such a ktlint/android lint

sylwek845 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I was wondering is there's a way to add ktlint style report to add comments? such as:

# ktlint
checkstyle_format.base_path = Dir.pwd
checkstyle_format.report "<project_name>/build/reports/ktlint/ktlint-debug.xml"


Hi there!!
for android lint i've built a plugin that you can find here : https://github.com/gianluz/danger-kotlin-android-lint-plugin

for ktlint i believe there is nothing at the moment, but nobody stops you to implement your own plugin for ktlint 💯
is not complicated, you can start using my android lint plugin as starting point!

is not excluded we will add native support for ktlint like Danger Swift that have Swiftlint internally

OK thanks, created own plugin.